Good Friday Service
Come join us at 6:30PM for this very moving service where we will be serving communion to commemorate our Savior’s greatest gift to mankind.
Palm Sunday
Help us celebrate the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem on this first day of Holy Week.
Soup Supper
Come join us for a time of food and fellowship after the Worship service.
Easter Sunday
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah Christ Arose!
Prayer Meeting
Members meet to raise petitions to God.
Year End Business Meeting
Time set aside during the service to discuss past year successes and plans for new year.
50th Wedding Anniversary Party
Harley and Carla Rominger are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary by reconfirming their marriage vows. Come help the family celebrate this wonderful event with their family and friends with a Dinner following.
Work Day
We will be working on cleaning out the fence row along the south side of the church. Breakfast will be served at 7AM followed by a time to cut and stack trees along the fence row in a pile to be burned later. Join us if you can.