We invite you to join us for faith school, a time of the study of the Word before our regular worship service. We enjoy a lively discussion of how we can grow in our knowledge of the Word and how it relates to our daily life. We also have Christian Education classes for toddlers and youth. This time is followed by a short time of refreshments before the worship service starts.
1870 Hwy G76 Attica Iowa 50138
- February 9, 2025 Every Week
9:30 am – 10:30 am
- Classes
Dennis Myers
Come join us for faith school Sunday morning at 9:30 if you are hungry for more of what God has for you and to dive deeper into his Word . We are presently studying the believers authority .
Dennis Myers
Had a great time in faith school this morning. Learned that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places far above all principalitly and power and that we have authority over them in Jesus Christ our Lord!
Dennis Myers
What is God doing in the earth today, and what is your part to play in his plan? Come join us in faith school and find out what you can do to enlarge God’s kingdom and how you can have a victorious faith walk
Dennis Myers
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? If so then come join us Sunday morning at 9:30 for faith school and learn how to walk in divine health!